
Showing posts from February, 2009


在威雄的部落格看到的网址, 也到此逛逛。。。 它说我, 徐玉佩: 。。。的內在想法。。。。。 *思想比較主觀且內心很有自己想法 *想法比較內歛,常常隱藏自己的想法 *喜歡凡事行動前事先規劃再執行 *不喜歡被了解太多,內心世界不容易被人察覺 *相當固執,即使錯了也不在乎 。。。的外在行為。。。。。 *外表溫柔內心倔強的人,內心嚴重的缺乏安全感 *佔有慾會顯得比較強烈,常常會不安 *事情會自己全部攬起來做,比較勞碌命 *有時太愛計較,讓自己很累 *個性比較保守,做事相對也比較安份 我觉得很对噢!


原来我的脚肿了也有6 个星期之久。 好夸张,好久的一段时间了。自己竟然忽略时间的过去,忽略自己的脚还在肿。 因为对痛的感觉麻木了,所以没有好好的照顾自己的脚。想想说,随它吧!终会好的。要不是在上个周五看到肿起来的起凸到了很夸张的程度,我很可能还会忽略我自己的脚呢! 在星期三那天,去看了第2次医生, 也去了医院照x-ray。 还不知道结果,又要等下周和医生再约时间。 累啊!

16 Feb 2009

A very memorable day of my own victory. This is the day i gained my ACCA qualification, from a student member to Affiliate. Finally ending my study life for a while. I am so ready to get there, approaching to the top of a career ladder.


有一天﹐ 兒子問爸爸: 爸爸, 不爽﹐生氣﹐抓狂﹐哭笑不得的分別是甚麼意思﹖ 爸爸﹕要解釋很難﹐不如讓我來示範。 首先﹐爸爸拿了一本電話簿﹐隨機選出一個人。然後打電話給那個人。順便把電話調到擴音器模式。 VICTIM﹕HELLO﹖ 爸爸﹕HELLO﹐ 請問ABDULLAH BADAWI在家嗎﹖ VICTIM﹕你打錯電話啦﹗ 爸﹕你不要騙我啦﹗ VICTIM﹕我騙你幹嘛﹗神經病﹗ (蓋了電話) 爸﹕哪﹐兒子﹐這個就是 "不爽"。現在來看甚麼是生氣。 (兒子點頭) (過了5分鐘﹐爸爸再打一次電話給那個人) VICTIM﹕HELLO﹖ 爸﹕請問ABDULLAH BADAWI有在家嗎﹖ VICTIM﹕怎麼又是你﹖都跟你講了你打錯電話了﹗ 爸﹕我沒打錯電話啊﹗ VICTIM﹕你這個神經病﹐你到底是誰﹖ 爸﹕我是誰你還不懂﹖我是NAJIB啦﹗ VICTIM﹕%^&*$#@﹗你是NAJIB我還ANWAR咧﹗白痴﹗(大力蓋電話) 爸﹕哪﹐兒子。這個就是"生氣"。懂了嗎﹖ 兒子﹕喔我懂了﹗ 爸﹕現在來看下甚麼是抓狂﹗(又打電話給那個可憐的人) 那個人一拿起電話就咆哮了﹗ VICTIM﹕你這個吃飽沒事做的神經病﹗整天打電話來干擾我﹐要不是我的電話沒有CALLER ID我早就報警了你這個變態佬。。。。 爸﹕(刻意壓低聲音)ERM。。。。請問林先生在嗎。。。。﹖ VICTIM﹕啊﹗很對不起﹗剛剛有個變態一直打電話來。。。 爸﹕喔﹐沒關係﹐請問ABDULLAH BADAWI在家嗎﹖ VICTIM﹕ ##$W$#^^%$E$%^$&^%R%^$^&%^$^%$﹗﹗﹗﹗﹗ 這一次﹐爸爸蓋上了電話。 爸﹕你現在知道分別了吧﹗ 兒子﹕可是爸爸﹐你還沒有講解甚麼是哭笑不得﹖ 爸﹕喔﹐那個要等到晚上12點啦﹗ (晚上12點﹐爸爸搖醒兒子﹐然後又打電話給那個人) VICTIM﹕HELLO。。。。。﹖(睡到一半被吵醒) 爸﹕我是ABDULLAH BADAWI﹐有誰打電話找我啊﹖ VICTIM﹕。。。。。。。。。。。。 爸爸好厲害啊﹗


又是下雪的日子。 这一个星期里, 几乎每一天都下雪! 每一天,我都烦恼着同样的问题: 我该穿多少的衣服才够暖和呢? 我该穿什么鞋子才不会滑倒呢? 该撑伞?还是戴帽子就好? 天气预测还说整个2 月都会下雪呢! 无奈啊。。。!!!

businesses closure in the UK

After the shut down of Woolworth, the highest profile high street retailer, more retail chains have come to the limelight of putting themselves into administration. Woolworth has closed its 807 shops across the country, then followed by Adams, children wear chains, closing 111 stores, leaving 160 in operation. Then Zavvi, formerly Virgin media stores, close down several outlets leaving with 92 shops, which has a total of 125 stores originally. In latest ACCA student magazine release, there are intense pressure on UK job market and economic. Several well-known companies in the UK, such as KPMG, Grant Thornton, Deloitte is seeking volunteers to go on four-days weeks or voluntary redundancies. There's even discrepencies with the EU workers working in the UK. There's an italian oil refinery is Lics hasn't taken more locals to fill the positions. Ended, locals workers went on strikes with the wise words from Gordon Brown "British jobs for British citizens". - - "W...

Ghost Inc. South Kensington

I saw the advert of Ghost Inc in the Hotline magazine, i was so much interested in it. It was actually a good cocktail bar to go in to sit for a drink. Here's some pics i taken in there!

London Street Art


CNY london 2009

Celebration of Chinese New Year took place in London several venue, including China Town, Leister Square, and Trafalgar Square starting 12.00 till 18.00. 

new position, hectic weather condition

Feb 2, 2009  Today is kinda special day to me, it my 1st day of my new position in primark. I am starting my cash office position today. I haven't been looking at figures for so long, about few months, today, i have a headache when i kept looking at them, trying to figure out the right way of doing things too!  It has been something i have done it before just that they do it differently. So, having to learn the primark way of doing things, feel that time flied really quickly today. I do feel better for having this job. It is more "office" job end of the day, although it is not closely related to the big picture of my profession. But it is a good starting point.  With this 1st day in the office, it also been a hectic rush at the end of the business day because of the very bad weather condition. The Met Office is expecting heavy snow at least 4 inches thick in the evening and more over the night. This has also lead to an early ceasation of public transportation service henc...