怀孕记事本 期盼了好久的第二胎终于实现了。 现在已是孕期第37周。 这两天的心情都不好, midwife 昨天给我发信息说我的appointment 是昨天下午,我错过了。 可是我记下的是星期3, 不是星期2, 因为Kim说, 星期2满了。 所以,Allison 就把我的appointment 从1.30pm改到了4.30pm. 我就不是很高兴了。 因为不是第一次改时间了。 今天一早,diabetes midwife给我打电话说, 医生和她看了报告, 觉得说baby的肚子有点小,要我停止吃药,改打insulin. 可是我很想说, 我都没吃药。。。在吃了两天药,ultrasound 报告出来说baby正常,我就停了, 毕竟这药会过给baby. 晚餐该吃药的时间, 我换成了吃维C, 只要把血糖降下来就好。 这让我很郁闷。 我都长期饿死的情况下, 我肚子里的儿子也是都饿, 没吃饱,当然小了。。。。。 我儿子小肯定不是因为吃药的问题。。。好让我担心。 希望他能健康出生, 我就心安了。
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漫长的一天, 等待是很无聊的。 大致上家里所需办置的差不多了,就只欠网络和沙发。 今天会觉得漫长,是因为在家等电信公司指定的安装师傅上门装置网线,网络设置。 说到网络,就心有不甘。 等了两个月的光纤申请因为邻居的意愿相违而告吹,在过了两个月没有宽频的日子后, 退而求次的申请宽频(龟速的)网络连接, 还让我等了又等, 盼了又盼也还不见踪影。。。无奈啊! 最不应该的是,连路由器都没还没收到呢!!! 让我更更更加无奈的是,我是在这家电信公司上班的。。。哈哈。。。 I need connection....... 后记 在一天都快要过完前, 我给客服打电话,竟然被告知不会有师傅上门,因为不需要。。。听到这信息后,好想破口大骂:“妈的, 不需要师傅上门安装不会再给我打电话啊!害我等了一天!。。。” 想到大家同事一场,就忍住了。询问路由器的下落时才知道误入地址,所以寄失了。。。 还有,账户登录名也给我填错,电邮记录也是错的。。。。无言了。。。。
new milestone of life
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140 days since landed in a new land that I will called home. Some of the days were filled with anxiety or frustration; some of the days were pure happiness and excitement. It has been a challenging journey for both my husband & I, trying to keep hold the family on our own, without any physical or financial supports from our families who are now miles apart from us. We are trying our best to be as independent as we could be. We had enjoyed the luxury of spare hands from my family members, especially from my mum who has been taking good care of my son since he was born. Now living here without her assistance and cares make it challenging, especially the little one keep feeling "home sick" with grandma not being around. We have make our greatest achievement today, owning a car by agreeing to the deal. Although it is not the dream car we wanted, but we are feeling awesome to own it. We are very excited with the journey ahead it will bring and upcoming fun filled trips. ...
job searching in New Zealand -
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6 weeks, since I set foot in this foreign land that I will call home. I have myself prep for a brand new start of my life when my husband and I decided to move away from home, knowing that we will be starting from fresh, like a graduate, with no network, we will be sending out hundreds and thousands of application to secure a job. However, I have never thought that it could be so demotivating. Everything back home was easy to me, started on my first job with Baker Tilly immediately on my return from UK without too much of suffer in writing up resume or cover letter, went to the interview and got the job offer almost on the spot. It was slightly different when I moved to Shell as I was being invited to apply the job by HR. The entire recruitment process took about a month, after submitting the application, waited for 3 days for the interview confirmation. There was a second interview, phone interview, about a week after the face-to-face interview was done. It took another week ...
Cheeky sweet heart
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Sunny day morning, lazy boy woke up late, was drinking milk at the dining room. Mum was angry about the three of us, she was complaining that we are not giving her any hands with the chores but giving her more hard times where every time she does the laundry, she needs to look for a "empty" laundry basket, so she was complaining and telling me off, because during that time it was only me at the dining room, sis was upstairs in her room and boy went to work. Then the conversation starts between me and my boy: - Son: Mummy, PoPo angry oh.... Me: Ya lor PoPo is angry. So, Rayde, please drink up your milk, later PoPo is angry with Rayde. Son: No. PoPo...PoPo....Po is angry with Mummy... Me:.(..i was caught in surprise that he knows....) how you know? No, PoPo is angry with Rayde... Son: No, PoPo is angry with Mummy, PoPo happy face with Rayde. Dad was sitting at the dinning table with us, when he overheard this conversation, he burst his smile. I quickly told my son o...
2014年,马年, 我一家的运程
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今年, 我老公犯太岁, 结果还犯着了我。 累! 祸不单行。。。 九月份在Sydney的全家旅行, 老公从楼梯上摔了下来, 跌伤了脚, 在医院接受治疗,住院三天, 医疗费用破万。 原以为可以从公司的医疗津贴补贴回来,可以事不尽人意,还在跟公司的保险公司奋斗中。 作了最坏的打算,还以为可以跟自己的保险公司要求赔偿,哪知道,老公的医疗保单在五月份就逾期,没有还保费,听到这消息还真晴天霹雳。 在这之前,老公的身份证被盗用,跟大马电讯公司有诉讼, 他还得去备案,解决问题。可是,备案并没有彻底解决问题,问题又回来了。 回想起,今年,我老公每做一件事, 都不如意。买新的手提电话也是如此, 花了比别人多一倍的时间, 来来回回的跟电讯公司理论才能解决。 因为受伤,公司对老公做出不公平的对待,搞得没办法上班,还得拿半薪假在家休息。这些的一切一切, 不单是烦到我老公,我也因为他的事搞得脾气暴躁,常常跟他吵架, 关系破裂。 我希望我的好运和能力能够化解我老公的不幸运,马年就快过完了,希望我们的的一些会好转,有好消息,如愿以偿。