
Showing posts from July, 2009

Hitz fm cruisers

Hey, it was really amazing that Hitz fm cruiserz have came to Seri Kembangan area to giveaways free stuffs to the public. Two days ago, when i was listening to the radio, heard that the cruisers were in Damansara area, yesterday they were at Kelana, i was thinking, their HQ is at Bukit Jalil, why are they always heading to so far far away, not coming to me?? And they probably heard me, and they came to me....haha..!!! I am so happy. And now, i could understand why they seldom come to this area, it was so quiet at our area, not much of audiences came by for the fun. Still, it was really good atmosphere, Camela was playing games with us, and the rest. Not sure is his name Jason, he gave me tips to the game...hehe and i won myself a prize...great fun. There was a little catch where we were playing games to eliminate people to get a winner to the t-shirt and i lost half way, i was gutted, when they ended the game, the cruisers announced to us, everyone get a free t-shirt. I was like WoW! i...

random mood

I've been in a funny mood today, i was feeling alright when i left my work place, i feel irritate when i was driving, i feel angry when i reach home. After that, i feel dull. Then very blue, sleepy. Go to sleep for 30 mins, then have to go to airport to pick up my parents, on my way back, i was happy for a very short while, then is gone. I've become very dull again. Like now, i am feeling very boring and just wanna sleep. What's is going on with me today??? Feel very strange!

Signs - short movie

A short film recommended by my friend and i would like to share it with everyone. meaningful and touching, i do enjoy watching it, hope you like it too!


回想一下,我好像很久很久没生病过了。除了,不明原因的骨裂之外, 我都是健康宝宝一名。 最常的身体不适, 都是因为睡眠不足所引起的, 都是小事。 这一次的肠胃不适, 竟然是因为 - 榴莲。 都是榴莲的不好, 要不是它,我不会没办法吃东西,不会到有的看, 没得吃, 这是非常可怜的。。。 就因为上个星期回怡保时, 舅母一直吹说榴莲有多好吃, 而且因为我喜欢吃, 特别买给我吃的, 我不会硬吃那么多, 把自己给撑坏了的。 现在还得花40 快去看医生,真是赔了夫人, 折了兵; " 人" 财两失。