
Showing posts from 2008

Hate people being racist and agreesive

What the f**k...these 2 days at work, people i met were so rude, it's unbelievable. On Sunday, Babylon, there's a girl i refused to serve her drinks because i think that she had too much, she was fine with my decision, but her friend was annoyed by my decision, and trying to make it a big deal...ended arguing with the management, door staff and my friend at work. Somehow she was pissed off because she knows that she can't stand on her feet with the arguement... she starts to abuse us, and pin-pointing the skin colour of my friend...because she is white! my friend is brown, and i am yellow! .... the worse was, she chucked a drink over us. We were all covered in vodka and redbull...cheers to her... The funniest was she rang the police trying to complaint about us. Somehow, she admitted she thrown a drink at us, the policewoman was shock...asking her what more she wants from the police! Why were the police were called when she throw a drink at somebody else...? On monday, work...

New Contract at Primark

it is almost towards the end of the X'mas contract of me with primark as a temp employee, was desperately wishing that they keep me as permanent staff so that i can a fixed hours job until i find a proper accountancy job. Solely reliance on babylon bar job isn't secure and good enough to sustain my living. Thanks God, on the 24th, Personnel has finally come out with the decision that they will keep me for full time ,permanently, therefore extended the contract of employment with me, with working hours from 2.30pm till 7.30pm daily weekdays, which is such a good news to me. This also means that i am going to keep my live of working 7 days a week until i find my dream job. Work, work, work ....

Christmas Eve

Today, Christmas Eve, weather is alright. Mood wise, nothing special. Physically, mentally tired! No work tonight, and the 2 days exciting...!!!

my life to date_Dec 2008

What is my life like nowadays? Once i wake up, i go to work, in primark, when i finish worked, come home wait for dinner to be served. After dinner, check mails, facebook, job searching, looking for information like visa application, immigration regulation, news that could impact my stay in the UK, till latest 3.30am, go to sleep" Wake up the next day at approx. 1pm, then get ready to work again. This repeated every weekday, saturday is the only day i can sleep till naturally wake up as if i have no date, no engagement, then have some lesire time of myself, then get ready to work from 9. Sunday, wake up latest by 3 to get ready for dance practice at work. then come home, cook then eat, after, go to work. That's a week, and everything start again. How can I change my life? I really need a proper job! i've been trying so hard, anyone could please give me some advices, where have i go wrong, what have i done wrong, why is my application is like a stone throwing into the sea w...

Review at work

There's a review of performance at work today when i am late, having my name tag left at home, which is not good at all. As in the reveiw questions, it includes dress code of uniforms, on time, absents and other things. Whereas, i've fail for 3 i've mentioned above. 1st, i was late to work today although it is overtime shift, not my scheduled shift, but still i was late, coz i didn't realise that winter train time starts today and somehow the train was suppose to be able to send me to work on time was delayed by approx 10 mins. So, consequently i was late for definite. For my name tag, because i changed my jumper, and i forgot to remove from that and put on the one i wear today! So, uniform fail too. Absents, i was not working on the day before my exams for 2 weeks. So constitute towards a lower percentage of attandance! Oh well.... There's nothing much i can do and tell since whatever mentioned was already happened although the manager did say it's alright! No ...


为什么每次家里的人开暖气,我的房间都是最热的? 在这个房间住了3年,现在才发觉我房间有4面墙,有3面是有radiators 的。一个是自己房间的,一个是阿彬房间的, 一个是走廊的。 就算我关了我房间的radiator, 还有两面墙的另一头的radiators 在发热。 我在猜,会不会连最后一面墙也有radiotor 在另一头,那就是隔壁家的房间的radiator...!!!

Ah ne's showing off expression

Ah ne is too boring .... trying to show off his new diary book purchased from startbucks..>!!


考完试了, 有什么是可以做吗? 除了上班,就是找工。 也应该没舍事可干。 这次考试,觉得答得不错, 应该都没问题。

巧遇, 真的好巧!

在Primark那里工作,有个朋友, 她叫颉儿, 回中国去了! 在她还没离开时, 其他朋友和同事有替她办个聚会, 也有约我,很可惜,我没能参加, 因为太累了,起不了床。心里也觉得可惜,没机会跟她说一路顺风。 哪知, 在我要去考试的当天,竟然被我在火车站遇到她!我好吃惊,我竟然还有机会和他说再见!当我看到她时, 真的不敢相信是真的。直到我向前去跟她说话,去抱抱她, 才肯定。觉得真的好巧,我也很好运。 她就连忙拉着我说拍照,因为我们见面时都是工作时,没有和照过。 希望她回国后一切顺利。 大家保持联络。

counting down to my last exam day

I have left with 2 days to go to sit for my last paper, which i deperately wish it is my last one. It is a bit tough for me doing this paper without attending any lectures or revision class. But hopefully my self study is effective and get me thru this time. I am not gonna be greedy or unrealistic. As long as i am passed, i don't care how much i scored. Finger crossed, the 1 i did last week on P7 and the coming soon P2 papers are both passed. Then it's time to work myself out in job searching and hunting again.


我的妈呀!我真的不敢相信, 我酒吧的经理真的和我那以前的同事给“搞上”了。 他们是光明真大的, 公开的谈感情。我的天啊!真不敢相信,他以前的女朋友才比我大一岁,我都觉得夸张了, 现在的还比我小3岁呢! 我的经理已经36了。 不敢相信! 他还为了和现在的女朋友在一起才和以前的分开呢!太乱了!

what do i care now?

Recently i am taking things so easily, just wondering is that a good sign or not? Like today, before i commenced my shift at work in primark, all the staff from my shifts were called to the office, and our floor managers were giving us grieves about last night, as work wasn't properly done at the sales floor. I don't take it seriously when we were beign told off, as compared to last time, i would have a go with them. We have been short of staffs, staffs who being put on the section doesn't like it there then they moved themselves elsewhere and abandon that section. i am working the the ladies department, in the ladies department, it is divided into several different section, from table recovery, knitwear, casual, dresses, coats jeans, accessories and etc. I am allocated as a table recovery staff but this week, after the restruction of the management and staffs' shift allocation, things are just bad. I have to recover accessories section, knitwear and also table. Me alon...

Not not happy...!!

I like my speakers so much, and now, there is one not working. I am so not happy, i was trying to fix it myself, but there is nothing i can do since i am not a professional. I try to swap them around just to ensure it is not burned. I was right, it wasn't the speaker's problem, it the connection socket from the back of the subwoofer loosen. Coz when i accidently kicked on it, it got sound a bit, then when off again. This has then confirmed my diagnosis  was right I am so annoyed! There are 5 surround speakers with a subwoofer. The front left speaker is not the odd 1, has no sound coming out from it...!!! ah...!!!  No more surround effect...damn it. argh.......

new toy - desktop

I have a new PC, thanks to my sister, she got me a new one as i complained too much on my laptops. I've 2 laptops with me, one is mine, the other one is my dad's.  But both of them are not working well. Mine is too slow, my dad's is going haywire too, on me. I don't know what's wrong with it!  I am happy for now, the best thing i ever get from my sister! a new desktop...haha...!!!  Wonder how long it last me, if it does work properly and well. I was happy when i 1st got my dad's laptop, but only after 2 months, it start going is user problem too...:P  doesn't matter... !  This new desktop has a 160GB hard disk, hurray, can do unlimited download on songs.... a 2 GB RAM, hopefully i won't complain about the speed of the com again...  So far, there's only 1 to complain again about this new desktop, don't really like the sister will definitely say, i am not use to it yet, i will get use to it somehow...!!! 

Account Payable Job application @ AT&T

I am currently applying for a position of Account Payable in AT&T via agency. This position requires candidate to be able to speak in either Mandarin, Cantonese, Malay, Thai or South Korean. The company is looking for 3 each in Mandarin and Cantonese speaking accountants, 1 each in Malay, Thai and South Korean speaking accountant. I've been told that agencies might have problem with taking in candidate for Malay speaking but not for Mandarin and Cantonese speaking ones. I've been waiting for a reply since 1st week of November, it is towards end of November now. Finger crossed....friends, pls pray hard for me, hopefully i get the job, i desperately wish i do...!!! It's a 11 months contract job....honestly, i don't care much what rate they pay me, as long as I still get minimum wages, i am happy! I wish i wish i could get this job...!!! People, let's pray hard for me..!!! Thank you...

humuor bit of my supervisor

One of my supervisor at work in Primark is a bald guy. I picked up a pair of hair clips from the floor one day, as i was being lazy to put in back to the display shelves, so i gave it to him by saying, "i have a present for you. " He then took it off me, but a second after he took it away, he replied to me saying " i have no hair!" It didn't register to me until a while later my friend asked me why was he telling he has no hair then only i realised he was being funny, having a laugh of my "present" to him..!! Then i kept laughing till tears came out from my eyes... I like his sense of humuor...haha...!!! although i was a bit too slow to react to his joke...

Feel like crying, exam related

My time is actually running out... It is my exam on 2nd Dec. It is my resit. i thought i would make it this time to pass at least 1 paper which is the audit paper, but i am not confidence anymore after reading the ACCA magazine which published and get to me on yesterday. In the ACCA magazine, there is article well outlined that most P2 Corporate Reporting stuff will be examine in details in P7 exam too. It is assumed knowledge to be able to answer P7 question starting from this sitting. As last 2 sittings for the exam, it was a transitional period for new syllabus, but the transitional period is now over. and most P2 standards and requirements for exams will be tested in P7 too. That's really a bad news for me. I failed my P2 paper last time, with my P7, but P7 was only 5 marks away from the passing rate, i was quite confidence to pass it this time before i read the article, but now, not ah..>!!! So many topic areas to be tested, i was about to sit for P2 but not ...


便宜和贵东西的差别除了在于价钱,还有的就是质料! 不久前,我在英国买了一件牛仔裤, 是我在英国的第一件牛仔裤, 我有点失望,款式是不错的,可是质料呢!就太差了。。。 让我不敢领教! 才穿过两次,还没拿去洗呢!他的布料就起毛球了, 变得刺刺的, 很不舒服。 虽然才£15, 但是我觉得还是不值。 我在马来西亚买的牛仔裤都没有这样子!!! 难道要买有牌子的牛仔裤才好穿吗?


我一直都不相信我在酒吧能够遇到好的人,对的人, 但是却真地给我遇上了。一个星期3,我必须会酒吧去,不是因为工作,但是是因为朋友的生日, 所以我就去了,还在primark打完工就去了,没回过家呢! 那个晚上在酒吧里,有着许多很没礼貌的客人,都眼光光的看着我们一群人,让人很不舒服,还有些人用手指头叫我和他们聊天,他以为他们是谁啊!我才不应酬他们呢!因为我没在工作,不需要。就因为太多这种人,这种事,那个晚上,我根本没在乎其他人,只活在自己的框框里。也因为我累吧! 到了差不多1。30 时,我就想离开了,当要跟寿星女说再见时,她正和一群男生交谈,走过去后,她就把我介绍给他们认识,我真的不想应酬他们,可是因为寿星女, 就留多一下下, 就那一下下, 让我认识到他, 一个很好条件的男生。 话说当时,我还是很不高兴的,因为被拉着留下来的。他们一群男生当中的一位,不停不停的叫我跟他打招呼,然后说话,没办法,就应酬应酬,打算草草了事,可是,寿星女竟然还踢破我的谎言, 因为他问我有没有男朋友,我说有!寿星女就很激动地宣布说我没有。那时的我真得快要疯掉了。 很尴尬啊!寿星女和其他同事们都很希望我找到男朋友,所以他们,不断,积极的跟我物视对象, 那时的他们就是要把我给推销出去。 说着说着,发掘到他的好。 也交换了电话号码。最夸张的事,交换电话号码时,寿星女还double check 过呢!她不相信我会给真的号码。 我的信用有那么差吗?就那么得不相信我。。。  那个男生,他的条件都不错,23岁的他,有着稳定的工作,收入,有自己的房子和车子。个子很高,长得不错,很有礼貌,最重要是他很君子。 我觉得缘分这东西很妙,我明明就没有要认识他,那个晚上,我根本没看见他!在要走之前才和他说话,也因为我觉得逼不得已, 根本无心的状况下认识他的,听到他的职业时,我还很抗拒呢!谁叫他是军人呢!但是,就是认识了! 原本说大家离开酒吧后,通常都不了了之了吧!可是当他联络我时,我竟然也回复他, 也答应见面的要求,我不晓得为什么我会答应他一切一切的要求,但是我没后悔,还很高兴我答应了!不然我就错过了他。 经过了一次的见面和交谈, 发觉他很好!我喜欢他!