
Showing posts from January, 2009

i sprained my foot

how unbelieveable comments i get from the doctor about my foot! I had a swollen foot for weeks, on thursday just gone, i don't know what has gone extremely wrong with it, i just can't put my foot on the floor at all. It hurted so much. So i rang up the clinic immediately to arrange an appointment and i was lucky to get 1 on the day. So i went to the doctor by taxi coz i can't actually walk. But after i heard the comments from the doctor, i was just gone mad. Doc: Have you been to sport/exercise recently that you sprained it? me: No. The only exercise i do is sit ups at home. And yes, i walked everyday at work. Doc: Have you accidently felt over or anything drop on your foot? Me: No. As far as i am aware of. (will i not know that if i did have something felt on my feet or i kicked something with my foot???) Doc: Does it hurt there? (he was feeling the condition of my foot around the bruise) Me: No, only where it got the bruise hurts. Doc: How did you sprained it there? (appa


今天接到我姐的电话,说她一定得在这个星期以内回去马来西亚, 因为她看错了她签证的截止日期, 所以她现在逾期留待是不行的。不能不回去,然后再从新申请签证。 我知道后,很失落。有点失去依归的感觉。毕竟,我从来没有一个人在外头生活过。当初来英国的时候,是有姐姐的陪伴,虽然说, 都是我在照顾我姐,但是她的存在让我觉得生活不孤单。虽然我们常常吵架,但是她让我知道,她是跟我活在同一个时间的国度里。 我醒着的时间她也是, 随时可以找得到的人。现在说要离开,我觉得很失落。也很担心。 之前还说她要搬回来跟我住,就算结婚了,也会跟我住在一起,我嘴巴上说是很烦,为什么不是跟姐夫住?可是,其实我很高兴,毕竟她是我姐, 一家人就本来应该住在一起的。还想说,如果搬家,搬去birmingham, 也得找一个好一点的地方,可以方便她住下来。 现在,这一切都得变了。虽然实际变化不大, 但是心情上的改变让我很难接受。所以我哭了。在我朋友的慰问下哭了。我很舍不得, 就算我知道她只是回家了。 也不敢在她面前哭,因为我知道她已经很懊恼和烦, 也担心她和男朋友的感情和婚约有变化。所以我必须忍住。 一个人的感觉真得很不好。朋友还嘲笑我说,你的离乡情却现在才发作,好慢哦, 来的好迟。 哭过了, 发泄了,就好多了。

supervisor or HR personnel or cash office ?

I was applying for the position of weekend supervisor within the company, i had my interview on friday just gone. It went alright, i was impressed with myself. haha... Something to share, when i was in the interview, i thought i was only applying for the supervisor position but in actual, i was applying for either supervisor, a position in HR personnel or cash office. Pauline was doing the interview with me, after she found out from me i have just finished my studies, she was telling me that there are positions going in HR and cash office also apart from the supervisor position. I was well suprise coz i didn't know that if i know i would have apply to all three. She was wondering will i be interested in those positions. Yes, of course i do. So, in that interview, she asked me questions based on the 3 positions requirements and characteristic for the job. By looking into that, hence i am given a chance to the 3 post. She gonna decide it after all the interviews been carried out, to

my online bonus saver account interest rate

I really wanna cry now after looking at the message the bank sent me: " The Bank of England have reduced the Base Rate by 0.50% to 1.50%. Following this we have changed the interest you earn on your Online Bonus Saver from 2.25% AER to 1.75% AER (1.75% gross variable, including 1.00% AER bonus interest) in any calendar month you don't make a withdrawal. Even if you do make a withdrawal, you'll still be earning standard interest of 0.75% AER, 0.75% gross variable ." When i 1st have this account, it's interest rate was 5%, now only have 1.75%. UK economy really no good money doesn't worth that much now, cannot earn interest too... !!! huhu.... :'(

my lovely brother in law

It was the 1st time my lovely brother in law soon to be msg me yesterday. I was in extreme shock to get his text, because he texted me at about 3am, asking me am i alright?? at this time??? So i thought it must be something wrong, has he argued with my sister, is he seeking my help that's y he was looking for me at this time? many random questions flying in my mind. So i quickly phoned my sister, without caring the time, just want to find out even though she is asleep which i know for sure. I woke her up, and all it was, my brother in law was too boring at work, because he was working late night. i was like....haih yo....bit of release also feel funny...has my lovely sister told him that his sister in law, me, don't sleep early, so he can look for me to spare his time???? i don't mind, honestly. In condition that i do know there's nothing wrong, because i never had this before, i would automatically anticipate that there's something going on wrong, and scare me...!

Primark, my emploer is in allegation of breaking the labour laws

I don't possess a television in the Uk, so i never watch news and personally i seldom take the approach to any news site to read the latest update of what's going on. Yesterday when i was at work, all staffs were been called to the room for briefing, i was wondering what was the briefing about since we had one from the supervisors about 10 mins ago, and this one was called by the manager. Then, only i know, it was about the company, Primark is intimidated of being sue due to getting supplies of garments from unethical supplier, TNS knitwear in Manchester. I was aired in BBC news. From the footage provided by BBC, it is clearly that the TNS is breaking lots of laws, immigration, labour, H&S etc. I always thought that this would only happen in developing countries or undeveloped countries as there's not a complimentary set of governing laws available as compared to country like the UK. Shocking to know this. I was brief about how to answer and reply to questions if been a


原本的我还蛮期待这一次的伦敦之旅。 来了英国3 年,第一次在伦敦过新年。但是,我却很自信的以为农历新年的一切表演的装潢都会在初一上演,那知, 定了假期,买了火车派票,才发觉不是的。 London council 把一切的演出延迟至初七, 星期天才有。我知道后都快晕了。 想到说我又错过了。但是,认真地考虑后,我可以再请多两天的假, 待在伦敦9天之久,就为了看,感受一下在伦敦过新年的那气氛。不然。。。我会后悔的。。。 !!!


我厌倦了这种没有未来的生活,讨厌这种无助的生活。也生气自己那么的犹豫不决。 我需要一个转机。

Planning to go Ireland

I have been planning to go to work in Ireland since I saw the article in ACCA magazine stated that Ireland is currently in shortage of Accountants. ACCA members who get qualified in the Ireland would automatically granted with a green card, which i would assume it would be easy for me to get a job and apply for work permit there. Therefore I've been really busy looking for information, tryingt to find out the possibility of me being to work there. Info that I found: It only takes an hour to fly to Dublin Airport from Birmingham International Airport, could cost only £34.50 for one way flight ticket as in Dec. Malaysian can enter Ireland up to six months as visitor without having to have a visa. Employer or employee can apply for the work permit. The work permit fee covering from 6 months to 2 years is EURO 1000. For those employee who apply work permit should earn at least EURO 30,000 per annum. There are only certain occupations having the salary below EURO 30,000 are allow to app