my lovely brother in law

It was the 1st time my lovely brother in law soon to be msg me yesterday.

I was in extreme shock to get his text, because he texted me at about 3am, asking me am i alright?? at this time???

So i thought it must be something wrong, has he argued with my sister, is he seeking my help that's y he was looking for me at this time? many random questions flying in my mind. So i quickly phoned my sister, without caring the time, just want to find out even though she is asleep which i know for sure. I woke her up, and all it was, my brother in law was too boring at work, because he was working late night. i was like....haih yo....bit of release also feel funny...has my lovely sister told him that his sister in law, me, don't sleep early, so he can look for me to spare his time???? i don't mind, honestly. In condition that i do know there's nothing wrong, because i never had this before, i would automatically anticipate that there's something going on wrong, and scare me...!

The conversation we had via msg'in were funny!

He was telling me that the prince visit his base and he ask the prince for id to enter!!!
I was like uh....???? Question mark flying again...!!

  1. which prince is he talking about?>
  2. why is he visiting his base?
  3. if he's the prince, why did he ask him for id?
Then, the answers were:

  1. Prince william
  2. coming for flying lessons, was published in the news
  3. he couldn't recognise him as the prince...!!! er...... not good!!!!
hahaha....really could he not recognise the prince, he must have know his visits, isn't it? otherwise, he should be able to recognise him anyway...!! somehow, he just didn't...and asked him for id...i wish to know the prince reaction when he was approach by my brother in must be funny...!!! wahahaha.....!!!!


okmijin said…
he is funny..hahaha..

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