Planning to go Ireland

I have been planning to go to work in Ireland since I saw the article in ACCA magazine stated that Ireland is currently in shortage of Accountants. ACCA members who get qualified in the Ireland would automatically granted with a green card, which i would assume it would be easy for me to get a job and apply for work permit there. Therefore I've been really busy looking for information, tryingt to find out the possibility of me being to work there.

Info that I found:

  1. It only takes an hour to fly to Dublin Airport from Birmingham International Airport, could cost only £34.50 for one way flight ticket as in Dec.
  2. Malaysian can enter Ireland up to six months as visitor without having to have a visa.
  3. Employer or employee can apply for the work permit.
  4. The work permit fee covering from 6 months to 2 years is EURO 1000.
  5. For those employee who apply work permit should earn at least EURO 30,000 per annum. There are only certain occupations having the salary below EURO 30,000 are allow to apply for work permit.
  6. The work permit visa application only have 10 pages to fill unlike UK PSW visa, havign 40-50 pages.
  7. The position for work permit application has to undergone a market test for a month, testify there's no one could fill the position.
  8. The work permit application would take up to 2-3 months to process.
  9. Salary range from gradaute accountant is EURO 20,000 to 30,000.
That's what i've got so far.

The most shocking piece of info i found is the cost of the application fee. It means £1000 now, as currently UK sterling pound is relatively weak against EURO. Is nearly £1 to EURO 1. My god...!!! If include the deposit and rental for accomdation and migration cost i would need at least £2000 then only i can make this move.


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