Primark, my emploer is in allegation of breaking the labour laws

I don't possess a television in the Uk, so i never watch news and personally i seldom take the approach to any news site to read the latest update of what's going on.

Yesterday when i was at work, all staffs were been called to the room for briefing, i was wondering what was the briefing about since we had one from the supervisors about 10 mins ago, and this one was called by the manager.

Then, only i know, it was about the company, Primark is intimidated of being sue due to getting supplies of garments from unethical supplier, TNS knitwear in Manchester. I was aired in BBC news. From the footage provided by BBC, it is clearly that the TNS is breaking lots of laws, immigration, labour, H&S etc. I always thought that this would only happen in developing countries or undeveloped countries as there's not a complimentary set of governing laws available as compared to country like the UK. Shocking to know this.

I was brief about how to answer and reply to questions if been asked by any random person who came into the shop. There's a well suggested answer given by the manager: Mate, I don't know about this, if you would like to know more, i can get my manager to brief you about this matter.

I think that's a brilliant answer from a retail operative point of view, as I don't personally pay much attention and concerns to it. But i am currently applying for the position of weekend supervisor within the company. So, there's a need for me to equipped with such knowledge and able to answer correctly to the staffs as well as the "random persons".

I am now wondering, is my career prospect guaranteed by working with the company? Unless the company is clear from the allegation.

As from a prospect of an accountant, it would be much of the hassles to make such disclosure in the annual report as there's no direct relation to the trading business however, how would the company accountants treat this disclosure and how this breaking news affect the auditors who did the audit for the company also the one for TNS.


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