
Showing posts from March, 2009

7 days week

Started to work 7 days a week again, not sure how long it gonna last, but it is good thing tho, since there's not much happening in my life. Gosh..!!! Been expecting something to happen, but how sad, none of them happen or yet to happen.


从2003 年开始,我日以继夜的用电脑打发我大部分的时间,上网聊天,看电影,下载,搜寻新闻八卦, 和最重要的就是功课, 都靠网际网络和电脑完成的。 星期三,是我人生当中的一大败笔。 我的电脑竟然中毒了, 就因为msn messenger。 当时,我只是跟我的姐夫在网上聊天,可是我的聊天窗户内突然冒出一句 foto??? haha... xxx 其实就是我的电邮邮址。 我就以为我姐夫看了我的网页上的照片,觉得很搞笑, 想问我照片的事情,就没多想, 按下了那网址。说时迟那时快,我的电脑, 网页视窗不停的冒出很多很多我看没打开的网页,后来连我的screen saver 叶换成了黑色的, 中间闪烁着红黄色的"WARNING"。 警告我说我的电脑中毒了。看到如此画面,我都快要疯了。 没别的办法,是好把电脑给format. 花了我两三个小时才弄好。还得打电话回家向姐姐求救。 好累啊! 我生命中的第一次 - 中毒!


Last week, there was once some tills weren't been spot checked when i was about to take the tills off because i couldn't find the spot check sheet and the sales total for the individual till. So, my assumptiion was the spot check for the tills were not done. I was well pissed off due to the fact that how on earth can the supervisor and the manager leave the floor on my own before the money been collected. So i have to do the spot check for those tills which are not done. Since it was a serious incident, i rang up my supervisor and report to her. The next day, the supervisor was on duty on those tills came to me questioning me which are the tills are not spot check, and he swore at me telling, he has done them all, and he is not stupid leaving them not done. His statement does make sense to me, because all the vouchers behind the tills were signed off by him. Most of the time, supervisor remember to spot check tills but not remembering to sign the vouchers. If whatever he said w...


上一次说的那个面试是一份行销的工作,所以就推了。 竟然都没兴趣, 为什么还要去面试呢!浪费时间。 我又去找我的人事部经理, 麻烦他帮我询问总公司那里是否有会计空缺, 如果有,我会很乐意的申情过去。可是他说,公司毕竟不是很大,所以总公司的工作机会并不多, 反问我对trainee management有没有兴趣。 当下的我真得很挣扎, 不知道该给于什么答复。 过后,这工作的要约不停在我脑海中反复,不断地问自己,好不好? 在同一个晚上,我也决定了,就去试试看吧!反真还不知道会不会得到这工作。如果得到这经理的工作, 就留吧!暂时不回家。 我也决定不管妈妈的意见,不管他同不同意, 我也要留下。哪知,过后跟妈说, 她竟然很赞同, 说应该这样办。我好高兴啊! 但是呢,我自己也觉得这计划的转变怎么那么大呢?之前为了想要当酒店的经理, 很努力的在酒吧工作, 考取公司的文凭,酒牌执照考试。 这是我自己要的。妈妈建议我说去考取会计执照, 想说做会计师也应该不错, 我也考到了。结果, 现在却是去当retail chain 的部门经理,是我完全没想过的耶!有拓开自己未来事业的领域,很多很多。。。


听到可以去面试的当下我真的难耐心中的兴奋, 想要告诉全世界。 都说了过后,兴奋的程度就渐渐下降,然后恢复理智, 可以认真地去思考。 想想和分析朋友们的意见, 彬就提醒了我上一次经验,有一家新开的公司要请人,可是呢,公司连电脑设备都不齐全, 负责人的办公桌都是空的, 让我觉得这间公司是骗人的。 妈妈也说我,那有人那么糊涂, 竟然没听清楚公司的名字就在那里兴奋。毕竟,我很肯定,上一次我是没有去申请的一份工作,那公司在网上拿到我的履历表的。也有从朋友口中知道说, 他们的友人也有在birmingham china town 那里申请工作,面试过,是一些推销形式的工作。 毕竟,我现在知道的只有公司的地址, 电话号码,就没别的了。因为不知道公司名字, 也没办法从网上找寻,因为它是位置在一栋办公楼,同一栋楼里, 有会计公司,广告,律师办公所,还有行销公司。所以,唯有等到明天再打电话去问咯。 然后再决定是否要去面试。 其实我并没有失去理智, 兴奋归兴奋, 并没有到了无药可救的地步。 也不会觉得有太大的失落感,因为我已经常常被现实的打击锻炼得很坚强。 但是我还会抱着一点点地希望,希望有一天我的希望能够如愿。幸运之神, 别忘了眷顾我。。。 谢谢你!


今天有一点小小的惊喜。 连续两周, 我都错过了同一通电话, 想了又想, 还是回拨, 看看是谁找我吧。很意外的, 是一家公司看到了我的履历表, 觉得我不错,叫我去面试。 我听了好高兴啊! 听到了公司的地点,面试的时间, 帮我预约的人的名字, 就是没听见公司的名字。他也有跟我说,这不是一间人力公司,他们是有兴趣请我进他们的公司工作。 就这些。 我就要求他把一切的细节都写在电邮里发给我。 可是呢!到现在,我都不清楚这是否是一件会计公司呢, 还是别行类型的公司! 冷静下来后,就觉得自己有点兴奋过度, 毕竟一切都还太早了吧! 就希望它是一间会计公司, 然后请我!求菩萨,耶稣, 天上神仙保佑我能如愿!
Have a good laugh at this. But in reality, this is some how true, but working extra hours doesn't always show that you are working hard. On the other hand, it can also reflect that you are working inefficiently, that's why you require more time than everyone else. Indirectly indicates that you are less capable than the rest of the member of staffs.

A fractured foot

After 8 weeks, i finally found out what is wrong with my foot. I've had my broken foot for 8 weeks, been to the doc on the 2nd week, then again 4 weeks later,only got the x-ray done 2 weeks ago, i know that i have fractured bone with my left foot, and need to go to the fracture clinic in the hospital tommorow. The doctor were saying the consultant might suggest to me putting a cast on ...!!! After 8 weeks. haih... Looked back, the doctor i've 1st seen was really shit. he was telling me i haven't got enough exercise with my foot, it is weak, that's y i strained it easily. When i was asking for a medical check up, and x-ray for my foot, he said, i am a young adult, if i think i am healthy, then i am, there's no medical benefit for a young adult like me having a medical check up done. He even said it is different in the UK and places like Hong Kong and China, because medical services were partly privatised, so most practioners in asia would suggest to have annual medic...

reason being ommitted from the database and publication

MCPHILIMY, Scott to me Thank you for your email I can confirm that you name does not appear on our affiliate list as you requested that we did not publish this at the time of initial registration. Unfortunately I am no longer able to opt you into this. Regards Scott McPhillimy ACCA Connect advisor ACCA 2 Central Quay 89 Hydepark Street Glasgow G3 8BW United Kingdom tel: +44 (0) 141 582 2000 fax: +44 (0) 141 582 2222


今天,我应该和朋友一起去吃饭和唱k的。 很可惜我没去到, 因为我没办法起床! 昨天在酒吧打工到4 点, 回家吃饭休息后都已经是将近六点, 还调好了闹钟, 应该没问题吧!可惜,我的潜意识太强了,竟然把闹钟安掉后, 回去睡觉, 而我都没知觉。 到了1点半突然惊醒才知道已经迟到了。 赶紧梳洗后就拨电给朋友们,很可惜, 他们玩得太高兴,每人察觉我打电话给他们。 没办法,因为我不知道地方准确的位子, 就一直没出发, 到了3点都没人回电, 就放弃了。结果就在家休息。 想想也好,可以省回一点点的钱, 不是很多,但是也好! 昨天要去游泳也没去成因为游泳的会场有比赛在进行中, 今天也时,所以就在家好好的待着咯!

Where is my name???

Once i passed my ACCA exams, i was so happy once i think about the publicity i will get. At least my name will be published on the ACCA student magazines, but it is not in it. 2 weeks ago, i realised that there's a searchable database in ACCA site that i could look for any exam passed finalists and affiliate. I was trying to search my name, but it is just not on it. I was guessing, may be it is just somehow ommitted from there, it wil get updated soon again. I was being optimistic about it. Till yesterday, The March issue of Student Magazine has been released, and i was trying to look for my name among thousands of them on it for all affiliate over the world, unfortunately my name is still not there. I am now upset, why am i not on it. Even my friend try to look for me, and she couldn't see it too, and rang me to confirm how my name is spelled. I should send ACCA a complain email, how could they missed me out????

stay or leave?

Today, i've just got an email from my malaysia course director telling me about a job offer in a Malaysia International firm and he will help me to apply to it. And i did send him my covering letter and CV so that he could help me to apply to it. I am thinking, since my course director gonna help me to forward my CV for the application, it is kinda high possibility for me getting a job offer. If once, i promise to go back, any opportunity comes later in the UK, i wil have no way of turning back. Oh well...can't think too much now, the same old problem exist and repeat again and again all the time, no strenght already. Let it be! when time comes, i will then know what to do next. No point of thinking too much...