
Showing posts from August, 2009

我想说, 身边每一个不同的人, 在不同的时候, 对我有着不一样的影响。 理念,思想的不同, 也会有一致的时候, 齿唇相近, 也有咬破唇的一天。 我很想跟大家分享, 和身边的人生活, 过得很自然, 没有压力, 是最快乐的。 时而相敬如宾, 时而嬉戏反目, 都是必然, 那才是生活情趣。 不一定要有惊险刺激, 绵绵情意,也能细水长流。 比我想象中的一切还有美好。 谢谢你的耐性, 谢谢你的相伴。 我相信有你的作伴, 不会无聊。 tired

Gosh, last night i have spent almost my whole night unpacking, arranging, and then setting up with my desktop and sound system in my room. I am so excited having my owns again. I was chatting, enjoy my musics, waiting for my hair to dry (coz lazy to blow dry) and being hungry till 12.30am. Then, waiting for my brother to get me some food. After everything i ended going to sleep at has been really long time never sleep late since i started working as an auditor. Today, my sleepy mood keep calling me. I was so wasted last night, i can hardly be awake in 100% to perform my job. But i am really glad that i manage to keep myself going by disturbing others. I am being too naughty, stop others from concentrating on their work, but to entertaint me so that i am more alert after the chat :P this gonna happen again because when i got the 2 boxes, i will have to unloaded them too.'t know when!

delivery, after a long wait

Waited for almost 3 months, my delivery is finally here. I came back to Malaysia on the 2nd sunday of May, till now, it has been 3 months 1 week, I packed my bags and there i left UK, without bringing much of my belongings, left them back in UK and make my friends to do all the packing for me. I must say thank you to them who help me out in this, but then, my friends, i wrote my full address on 1 of the boxes, but you guys didn't write the full address on it, that's why they been having problem delivering them to me. my full add is 2, JLN SG BESI INDAH 3/3. you guys miss out 3/3... :S anyway still, thank you peeps! i got them today, but only 5 boxes out of 7. The remaining 2 were still on their way home to me... i miss them so much, please do come back to me...!! coz i have my speakers in it. pls pls remember to find your way home...!!!


A very interesting lesson : - 最近認識一位美國籍的出家師父,是個很有趣的事情。 特別是他叫我舉起蕃茄汁跟他說話的經驗。 我們約在新竹的一家茶館用英文談論著心經, 師父用英文跟我解釋因果、輪迴這些事情,這都還不稀奇。 有趣的事情在後頭呢! 師父一聽完我跟他提到的個人煩惱的時候, 他索性要我左手提起他剛買的三罐番茄汁,一邊提著,一邊跟他說話。 可想而知,我左手感覺到疲勞的程度,跟時間成了正比。 也懊惱著為何師父要我一邊提著三罐蕃茄汁,一邊跟他說話。 受不了這樣的酸楚,我自行把左手放下, 卻聽到師父跟我說:「 Hold it up, and keep talking to me. 」 聽到這樣的話,心理不免起了疑心, 我手提的那麼酸,為何不讓我放下手上的重物,輕鬆地與他對談? 約莫過了15分鐘,我的左手實在承受不住了, 才聽見師父跟我說:「Now you can put it down.」。 看著我狐疑的臉,師父居然笑了出來。 「你不喜歡提著重物跟我說話, 為何你卻喜歡帶著煩惱來跟我說話,過著你的生活呢? 手酸了,放下就好,對待煩惱,不也是這樣? 或是這些煩惱就像是那些番茄汁一樣, 是你自己用手把它們給舉起來的呢?」 有趣的經驗,對吧? 最近我開始這樣的練習, 一手舉起有重量的東西,一邊想著事情。 手酸了,自然會放下手上的東西, 看看有一天,我會不會也學到,心累了,就把心事給放下來。 我們能很容易的放下有形的重物, 卻很難放下無形的重擔。 執著的人生會讓自己承擔莫需有的重擔。 所以學習放下執著也就在學習人生自在。

mutual understanding

What is crucial to keep a good relationship with others, whether he/she is your family members, friends, work mates, relatives or partner? Mutual understanding. But how does this derive from us and get to this stage in our lives. There's been many out there having problems, that's the reason of increased divorce cases in the century. I am always glad to know myself better being i am a talker, very talkative person, wants to share everything with everyone who is close to me, so that they know how am i doing, getting on lately, to keep relationship going. Also, to be a good listener is important, being please, i do have the patient for that. But not everyone likes me, or have the similar thought as me. To come to mutual understand between us, is best to communicate. Communication skill is an art, an art which is hard to master of. Although i said that i am a talker, but can't really tell that I am a good communicator, i am still lack of it to communicate with every single peo...

都是loud speaker 的错

就因为有人喜欢在驾车使用广播器, 不喜欢用蓝牙或听筒, 结果搞得旁人很尴尬。 上一次, 是别人打电话给他, 而当时车子里就只有我和他, 所以我就很安静的不打扰, 但是他的朋友跟他说的事, 我都听得一清二楚, 觉得啊。。 好像很不道德, 偷听别人的对话。 可是这一次换我打给他, 没想到他也是在驾车, 同样的用了广播器, 而我刚好就顽皮, 用电话打视讯给他, 我觉得好玩, 因为第一次用手机视频聊天, 所以我还没说什么就一直在笑, 但是当他跟我说他在驾车时, 我就觉得可惜, 没办法, 他要驾车嘛! 可是过后,那么的好, 他竟然跟我说他的家人都在车上, 就觉得脸红, 因为尴尬, 毕竟刚刚我像白痴似的在笑。。。 他家的人一定觉得我怎么那么奇怪, 都不说话, 就在笑而已。。。。 因为我在等他那里接通视频, 要看他的表情, 哪知。。。会变成那样的。。。 :S 郁闷啊!。。。


今天, 我的同事跟我说, 他的朋友有心想要送小狗给人, 问了我有没有兴趣。。。我听了可高兴, 两只小狗都很可爱, 可是我没办养两只, 只能选其一。 回到家后, 给弟弟看了照片, 弟弟就说, 要先看看狗儿聪明吗? 健不健康, 才作决定。 大家也一起看看, 那一只狗儿比较可爱?你会选那一只? 还没看到它们之前, 我一直都想要找一只像黑色的那一类的狗儿, 但是看到了褐色的那一只也很可爱, 就被动摇了。 黑色还是褐色??


是我太笨,还是怎么了? 为什么朋友中那么多人写部落格, 他们都有办法上传他们自己要分享的事, 照片,影片, 音乐还是什么的。为什么我研究了那么就还是一无所获呢? 我最厉害的, 就是上传照片而已, 其他的, 一概没办法, 所以我的部落格常常看到的就只有密密麻麻的文字。 看看那位高人看了我的部落格后, 可怜我,有心要教我这笨小孩。。。 呜呜。。。!!!


Never been such a day for me. What do you do when feelings overwhelming? follow whatever it says to you, or ignore it? May be i am just too free or i have not been enough to sleep or whatever reason i am trying to give myself which i don't know or sure about, having such an overwhelm feelings has never happen to me before. I have always been good in managing my emotion, but yesterday, today, i am losing the control. The feeling take charge of everything inside my mind, which is scary. And i have no idea how long this feelings gonna last... i am really confused myself. . . . .

Kota Bahru 之旅

两天前, 从kota bahru 回来, 觉得还不错。我是去工作, 在工作之余, 当地client 的员工可是非常好客, 带我去吃当地美食, 是非常棒的事。 短短两天, 我都尝过了哥市的茗肴, 可惜的是, 因为是去工作, 没带相机, 也没时间好好的拍照留念, 唯有上网看看那一位朋友, 有同样的经验留笔写写他们的感想。 很高兴我找到了。 在文章中提到的nasi dagang 和泰式料理我都有尝到,非常得不错。 最得我心的是, 当地民情相当好客, 友善, 我很喜欢, 我觉得这这是都市人最缺乏的。 到这同好的部落个看看吧! 你就会知道我当时的所看到的: 还有一个遗憾就是, 去了两天, 当地的著名nasi ulam 都没开店, 还我没口福。 可惜可惜。。。!!!

career fair
