mutual understanding

What is crucial to keep a good relationship with others, whether he/she is your family members, friends, work mates, relatives or partner?

Mutual understanding. But how does this derive from us and get to this stage in our lives.

There's been many out there having problems, that's the reason of increased divorce cases in the century. I am always glad to know myself better being i am a talker, very talkative person, wants to share everything with everyone who is close to me, so that they know how am i doing, getting on lately, to keep relationship going. Also, to be a good listener is important, being please, i do have the patient for that. But not everyone likes me, or have the similar thought as me.

To come to mutual understand between us, is best to communicate. Communication skill is an art, an art which is hard to master of. Although i said that i am a talker, but can't really tell that I am a good communicator, i am still lack of it to communicate with every single people around me, get to know them better via talking, and listening.

I've been feeling heartache today because of a couple that i have known for years been into a querrel, and the wife got so disappointed and sad, complaining the husband never tells her anything. They have been married for years, and do have kids, but the man still being a very self-centered person, thinks that she should know, but how would she knows if you being her man never talks about it, or tell her about it. She been claiming that she is being worse than a maid, at least, if the man has a maid, he would have told the maid when is he leaving home to travel out or whatsoever, so that the maid will take care of the house. But this man, always been taking things for granted, expected the wife to know and to understand the man being out to work hard for the family, for the future living, and he being tired after coming back from work.

I think this is very typical china man perspective about himself as for the wife, which i don't agree with it at all. I do appreciate people talks to me, and listen to me, showing a good care of them to me, which is true.

SO, Friends, think about it today, have you spoken to your family members today, have your spoken to your partner about what do to for the coming long weekend yet? Each person is an individual body, entity, no one is bound to be responsible for another even for parents or married couples, they do because they cares, their love, please say thank you everytime anyone have give you a hand, do you any favour, even say thanks to the cleaner in your office for doing a good job keep the office clean.

Since that, you must have say thanks to you parents, your wife, preparing a good meal for you, being at your side when you needed them. A simple sentence can keep the relationship going, also keep the disputes away.

I have been doing it to keep my family informed so that they are aware, not worried for me, not absolutely, at least keep it to the minimal, and they are happy, and so do I.


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