
今天, 我的同事跟我说, 他的朋友有心想要送小狗给人, 问了我有没有兴趣。。。我听了可高兴, 两只小狗都很可爱, 可是我没办养两只, 只能选其一。 回到家后, 给弟弟看了照片, 弟弟就说, 要先看看狗儿聪明吗? 健不健康, 才作决定。 大家也一起看看, 那一只狗儿比较可爱?你会选那一只? 还没看到它们之前, 我一直都想要找一只像黑色的那一类的狗儿, 但是看到了褐色的那一只也很可爱, 就被动摇了。 黑色还是褐色??


Wayne said…
小黑很酷 小褐很可爱 它们两都很讨人欢心不过你弟弟也说得没错
哈哈还是看你家人咯 毕竟它将成为你家的其中一员
Yoke Pui said…
Another friend say blackie might be very fierce when she becomes grown up... ...
Wayne said…
Try not to lock them or tie them up, this will lead their behavior to be fierce and uncontrollable.
Just treat them like your own baby, train them kindly and gently.
Here give some good tips for you to reference, how to become a good pet mama :P

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